What are superfoods and why should you eat them?
The term "superfood" is a fairly new term referring to foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Most superfoods are plant-based.Antioxidants are natural molecules found in certain foods that help neutralize free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are natural by-products of energy production that can wreak havoc on the body. Antioxidants decrease or reverse the effects of free radicals that are closely linked with heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory diseases, immune deficiency, emphysema, Parkinson's disease and other inflammatory or ischemic conditions.
Superfoods are not magic cure-all foods.
Dietitian Penny Kris-Etherton explains:
"A lot of people have unrealistic expectations about these foods, thinking they'll be protected from chronic diseases and health problems. They may eat one or two of these nutrient-dense foods on top of a poor diet."
Including superfoods in your daily intake is great but not if you are not consuming a healthy, balanced diet overall. It is better to eat a "super diet" than to concentrate on individual foods.
Common superfoods
Foods that are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, as many foods touted as superfoods are, have been shown to prevent coronary heart disease and cancer as well as improve immunity and decrease inflammation.A high consumption of fruits and vegetables has long been associated with a lower risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions and overall mortality. The nutrients they contain help promote a healthy complexion, nails, and hair, increase energy levels. They can also help maintain a healthy weight.
Acai berries are known to contain several different amino acids and antioxidants.
Blueberries are high in fibre, manganese, and vitamin K.
Cranberries are high in a particular flavonoid that helps lower the risk of urinary tract infection.
Goji berries are a small red berry native to Asia that are high in vitamin C and E, along with many different types of flavonoids. They are frequently used in Eastern medicine to help treat diabetes and high blood pressure and maintain eye, liver, and kidney health.
Goji berries, blueberry products, and acai berry powder and other products can be purchased online.
Find them at Amazon here - Dried Goji Berries, Wild Blueberry Powder, Organic Acai Powder
Check out the range of berry products can be purchased at Hollands and Barrett
Pleas check the reviews before buying a pack.
Also you can check them at Revital.
Soybeans have a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of phytochemical. The isoflavones in soy have been shown to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol.A few studies have shown that soy may prevent age-related memory loss. Soy isoflavones are also known to decrease bone loss and increase bone mineral density during menopause. They have been reported to reduce menopausal symptoms.
There is evidence that consuming more plant foods like soy decreases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and overall mortality. It can also promote a healthy complexion and hair, and it can boost energy.
The calcium and magnesium in soy may help to lessen symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), regulate blood sugar, and prevent migraine headaches.
Many foods considered to be "superfoods" are rich in colour, often indicating that they are rich in antioxidants.
A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology looked at the effects of green tea, white tea, and water consumption on stress levels in 18 students.
The study suggested that both green and white tea had a lowering effect on stress levels and that white tea had an even greater effect. Larger studies need to be conducted to confirm this possible health benefit.
Green tea may also have an anti-arthritic effect by suppressing overall inflammation.
This japanese matcha tea has great review at
Amazon here https://amzn.to/2nwgOAQ
My personal favorite green tea is this https://amzn.to/2vD28Ey
Leafy greens
Leafy greens typically identified as superfoods are kale, spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, and collard greens. These foods are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and many B vitamins. These leafy greens also contain an abundance of carotenoids, iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.One cup of kale provides 550 micrograms of vitamin K, equivalent to over 680 percent of our daily needs. Kale and other leafy greens are high in fibre and water content, both of which help to prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract. The potassium content of kale may help reduce the risk of heart disease. It can be a tasty and nutritious side dish or an addition to smoothies and salads.
These can be easily purchased in green sections of superstores. Look for ones losing color and also the expiry dates.
The high omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon and other fatty fish like trout and herring can decrease the risk of abnormal heartbeats, reduce cholesterol and slow the growth of arterial plaque.Your body requires protein to heal, protect bone health and prevent muscle loss, among other things. Salmon provides 22–25 grams of protein per 3.5-ounce serving.
Salmon is an excellent source of several B vitamins, which are needed for energy production, controlling inflammation and protecting heart and brain health.
100 grams of salmon provide 11–18% of the RDI of potassium, which helps control blood pressure and prevent excess fluid retention.
A 100-gram serving of salmon provides 59–67% of the RDI of selenium, a mineral involved in protecting bone health, improving thyroid function and reducing the risk of cancer.
Astaxanthin is an antioxidant found in salmon that may benefit heart, brain, nervous system and skin health.
Dark chocolate
Research has found that dark chocolate is high in flavonoids. Flavonoids are shown to have antioxidant activity, prevent coronary heart disease and certain types of cancer and boost the immune system.The component in chocolate specifically responsible for these benefits is cacao powder, derived from cacao beans. Keep in mind that chocolate may have added ingredients — such as excess sugar — that could negate these benefits.
Chocolate's antioxidant potential may have a range of health benefits. The higher the cocoa content, as in dark chocolate, the more benefits there are. Dark chocolate may also contain less fat and sugar, but it is important to check the label.
Wine and grapes
Grapes, particularly red grapes, contain healthful components such as resveratrol and quercetin.
A few studies have shown promise that resveratrol can protect against diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy. These are conditions caused by poorly controlled diabetes where vision is severely affected.
One study in which diabetic rats were treated with resveratrol for two weeks found that it reduced the effects of neural changes and damage associated with diabetic neuropathy.
Researchers have also found resveratrol to be beneficial for treating Alzheimer's disease, relieving hot flashes and mood swings associated with menopause, and improving blood glucose control.
However, large studies using human subjects are still needed to confirm these findings.
Another flavonoid found in grapes known as quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by LDL cholesterol in animal studies. Quercetin may have the added bonus of anti-cancer effects. However, more studies are needed using human subjects before these results can be confirmed.
Although wine does contain antioxidants, keep in mind that eating grapes would provide the same benefit, along with additional fibre. The American Heart Association recommends that alcoholic beverages should be limited to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.
Other superfoods gaining in notoriety include spirulina, blue-green algae, garlic, wheatgrass, beets, and beet juice, turmeric, Brazil nuts, barley and shiitake mushrooms.
Almonds, along with nuts and seeds in general, are often associated with improved levels of blood lipids and being good for the heart.
There is some evidence indicating that including almonds in your diet may help ward off heart disease, but overall, the evidence is inconclusive.
In a study, published in 2014, scientists found that almonds significantly increased the amount of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduced blood pressure, and improved blood flow. Their findings add weight to the theory that Mediterranean diets with lots of nuts have big health benefits.
Almonds contain relatively high levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant. In fact, they are one of the best natural sources of vitamin E, providing 37 percent of the recommended daily intake in just 1 ounce. Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative damage.
Also, higher vitamin E intake has been tentatively associated with a reduced risk of certain diseases, such as Alzheimer's, some cancers, and heart disease.
Because almonds are lower in carbohydrates and high in protein and fibre, they can help people feel fuller for longer; this has the potential to reduce the number of calories taken in overall.
Please read the reviews before buying them, cheaper and higher quality ones are both in the list here https://amzn.to/2MI37cX
It is a good source of folate, vitamin K, iron, and fibre. This makes it valuable during pregnancy and means it can contribute to heart health and the prevention of osteoporosis.
The potential health benefits of asparagus include: reducing the risk of diabetes, preventing kidney stones, and lowering the risk of neural tube defects in babies.
Asparagus is also a natural diuretic, which can help with fluid balance in the body and influence blood pressure.
One cup of asparagus contains fewer than 30 calories.
Look for them in the green sections of supermarkets.
In answering the question of “what are superfoods,” it would be impossible not to mention this super nutritious fruit. Yes, although the avocado is commonly enjoyed and used in cooking as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit from the Lauraceae family of plants.The avocado is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K. Not only that, but it manages to pack in more potassium than a banana.
There are limitless ways to enjoy this creamy fruit; try spreading it over toast, adding it to a salad or even just sprinkling a bit of salt on a few slices and chowing down.
Look for them in the fruit sections of supermarkets.
Broccoli Rabe
Also known as rapini, broccoli rabe is a cruciferous green veggie that makes the list of top 10 superfoods without question.It’s loaded with bone-building vitamin K and antioxidant-rich vitamins A and C as well as folate, calcium and manganese.
Thanks to its impressive nutrient profile, the compounds found in broccoli rabe may be able to help reduce inflammation, keep your skeletal structure strong, protect against eye disease, improve your heart heath and even prevent the growth of cancer.
Sautée a big bunch of broccoli rabe and add it to frittatas, pasta dishes, soups or sandwiches to give your meal a serious superfood upgrade.
Look for them in the green sections of supermarkets.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are known and loved for their delicious flavour, but did you know that they’re also high in vitamins and minerals and can provide important benefits to you and your health?These nutritious root vegetables are high in vitamin C, potassium and manganese. Most notably, however, they’re brimming with vitamin A. In fact, one cup of cooked sweet potatoes meets 769 percent of the daily value for vitamin A.
Vitamin A plays a role in maintaining healthy vision, fighting inflammation and protecting the health of your immune system to fight off infections.
Try roasting up a batch of sweet potato wedges, throwing them into soups or casseroles, or using them to kick up the flavor of curries and salads.
Easily available in local supermarkets.
Coconut and coconut oil are both high in medium-chain triglycerides, a type of beneficial fatty acid that can help support the health of your gut due to its bacteria-fighting, antioxidant properties.These fatty acids are also easy to digest, can be burned up as fuel rather than stored as fat and are able to provide immediate energy.
Coconut oil, in particular, has been credited with aiding in weight loss, keeping hair healthy and smooth, and even preventing bone loss.
Be sure to use extra virgin coconut oil that has not been refined, and use it in your cooking and baking for an added dose of healthy fats.
Easily available in local supermarkets.
Flaxseed is loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and even potentially protect against cancer and diabetes.These seeds are also high in thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, plus contain a hearty dose of protein and fibre in each serving.
You can reap the benefits of flaxseed by using the seeds in everything from granola to oatmeal or hummus or by consuming flaxseed oil in liquid or capsule form.
The high quality ones are here - https://amzn.to/2P3F1en
Check out the 1kg pack economy pack - https://amzn.to/2KJxLkp
Please read reviews before buying.
This blue-green algae is considered one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Gram for gram, it’s higher in protein than red meat, contains all of the essential fatty acids your body needs, and also provides tons of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.Health benefits of spirulina include potentially preventing plaque build-up in the arteries, lowering blood pressure and protecting against cancer.
Spirulina is most often found in powder form and is widely available at online retailers and health stores. Use it in smoothies, or sprinkle it over your foods to increase the nutritional content.
How to incorporate more superfoods into your diet
These foods can be incorporated into a healthy diet when available, but do not go breaking the bank or searching the globe trying to find them.
The secret is that any leafy green vegetable or berry commonly found in your grocery store will provide many of the same benefits found in the premium priced superfoods.
Buy your produce in season and from local sources to ensure the highest nutrient content. Do not discount your ordinary apple or carrot either; all fruits and vegetables should be referred to as superfoods. Keep in mind that the more processed foods you can replace with whole foods such as fruits or vegetables, the healthier you will be.
Check these out with decent reviews: https://amzn.to/2MIoSt9, https://amzn.to/2B663y, https://amzn.to/2MIBcKh
A bit of range at Hollands and Barrett - https://bit.ly/2nwjM8w
Quick tips
These tips can help you get more superfoods into your diet:- Eat the rainbow! Look at the colors on your plate. Is all of your food brown or beige? Then it is likely that antioxidant levels are low. Add in foods with rich color like kale, beets and berries
- Add shredded greens to soups and stir fries
- Try replacing your beef or poultry with salmon or tofu
- Add berries to oatmeal, cereal, salads or baked goods
- Make sure you have a fruit or a vegetable every time you eat, meals and snacks included
- Have a daily green or matcha tea
- Spice it up! Make turmeric, cumin, oregano, ginger, clove, and cinnamon your go-to spices to amp up the antioxidant content of your meals
- Snack on nuts, seeds (especially Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds) and dried fruit (with no sugar or salt added).
Discover the West African Red Tea Detox - https://tinyurl.com/y4begusa
This age old superfood is known to have powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Proven to improve symptoms of depression, heart disease and arthritis - https://tinyurl.com/yydbhnc4
This age old superfood is known to have powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Proven to improve symptoms of depression, heart disease and arthritis - https://tinyurl.com/yydbhnc4
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